Archipelago Restaurant Tour

Spend the evening at an archipelago tavern!

Experience some of the archipelago’s all lovely restaurants.

We pick you up inside central Stockholm.
With the wind in your hair and a smile on your face then we steer towards your favorite restaurant!

  • The activity is feasible from early spring until late autumn.
  • No age limit.
  • Ability to book food, drink and boat combined

We take to your favorite restaurant, see below for examples:

  • Vaxholms Hotel, Gåshaga Brygga.  Sek  9 000:-/boat
    Stockholm round trip duration about 3 hours
  • Grinda Wärdshus, Linanäs Sjökrog, Svartsö Krog. Sek 12 000:-/boat.
    Stockholm round trip duration about 4 hours.
  • Ingmarsö Krog, Bullandö Krog, Engine Workshop on Djurö. Sek 13 000:-/boat.
    Stockholm round trip duration about 5 hours.
  • Sandhamns Värdshus, Finnhamn, Möja Berg, Högmarsö. Sek 14 000:-/boat.
    Stockholm round trip duration about 6 hours.

Excluding food and drink.

E-mail us for advice and recommendations; we have experience from all mentioned restaurants.

Prices refer to one (1) boat with capacity for 12 passengers. All prices exclude VAT.

The price includes of course all the necessary equipment such as flotation suit, life jacket and goggles. The boats are moreover always manned by two experienced and certified crew.

Groups over 36 people on quotation

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